The AVAST32 program can be also started directly from a command line. You can start either the program only or you can start directly some antivirus task.
The command line of Avast32.exe looks as follows:
Avast32 <task name or batch file> [/min ][/batch ][/sim ][/enh ]
The /min switch
AVAST32 program will be started minimized
The /batch switch
It will start enhanced user interface of AVAST32 program and will tell to it that the given task name is a name of the batch file.
The /sim switch
AVAST32 program will be started in Simple user interface.
The /enh switch
AVAST32 program will be started in Enhanced user interface.
You can enter as many task names or batch files, as you want. If the name contains spaces it must be inserted between quotation marks. If not, the program will not perform the task of the given name!
If you would like to start the task on the remote computer, enter Avast32 <computer name>\<task name> and the appropriate parameters. If there is no computer name stated, the program will search for the local task of the given name.
If you would like to scan for viruses e.g. some folder with AVAST32 program, you can enter Avast32 <path> /sim. A Simple user interface of AVAST32 program will be started and the scanning of the given folder will begin immediately.
If an invalid parameter will be found or any error on the command line will occur, an error message will be displayed and AVAST32 program will start in the same user interface as on the last program start.